Part of the mountain ranges of New Caledonia.
View of the city from the main port.

Much Ablog About Nothing is soon to become Much Ablog About Something. Soon to be coming to you from the Northern Hemisphere. Live from Amsterdam and Switzerland featuring more chocolates, clocks, tulips and THC than you can poke a clog at. Stay tuned for updates and gratuitous dyke refernces...
Ocean life at Wala
The magnificent coral reef at Wala
This shot is of the point where the ocean floor seems to drop away into nowhere (Wala)
More photos to follow...
If you can't get your act together just act like you've got it together.
[These are the 1st round of photos from the cruise, hope to put on more later.]
"When you haven't got anything good to say don't say anything at all, or furrow your brow and look like you're so deep in thought you appear intelligent rather than stupid" - Anon.