Thursday, January 12, 2006

How much do you love the Australian Government (Unfortunately sarcasm doesn't translate well into text)....

Many might know that Australia and our 'Big Brother' the good ol' U.S. of A refused to sign into the Kyoto protocol to reduce global Greenhouse gas emissions.

Recently a summit was held that leads me to believe our politicians do not give a shit about the generations to follow nor the environment(not that there was a good indication that they did before this anyway). If anyone hasn't noticed the hottest year on record, or believes that global warming does not exist, the solution provided by these two so called great nations is not to reduce the burning of fossil fuels or to find new alternatives to the problem - apparently Nuclear Power is the answer. Does anyone remember why this was protested against initially?

What we need is some politicians that think rather than rehash old ideas.

Have people forgotten what Nuclear development did for Japan or the Ukranian people.

Soap-box moment over.

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