I'm going through all the rigmarole of modern day life as it is - working, returning to study, trying to get my shit in order. As much as I love my home town, I'm starting to get sick of the sight of it for no real reason other than the brilliant times being had by all far away from here. I take consolation in the fact that in 2 years time, all going well at least, there will be no more study and I too can get the hell out of dodge. Apologies if I sound like I'm whinging, just feeling a little bogged down in my own reality at the moment. Tomorrow is another day.
Peace all.
Jim - dont feel bad about being where you are...in all reality, Troy and I would trade places with you in a second. Yeah - it seems cool being overseas...but we would much rather be there.
Troy and I got very sick (Very quickly) of hearing how good Darko's party was....simply because we werent there, and everyone we knew was there...having a great time.
The grass is always greener on the other side I guess!
I agree with Alwyn. Being in a new country is all well and good, but being so far away from anything or anyone familiar can be almost depressing. Add to that the fact that we're not really on any sort of holiday at the moment but struggling to find employment, it'll be a while before I actually start enjoying this trip wholeheartedly. So, don't despair, grass is frost bitten and unemployed on this side of the fence. I know how you feel but the reality of travelling can sometimes be far removed from the fantasy.
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