Monday, April 23, 2007

I love a Skull and Crossbones...

Hello again,

As we wandered back from the markets at Waterlooplein the other day, we stumbled across this church in a little square almost completely surrounded by buildings. At one entrance stands a stone archway that is embellished with Skull and Crossbones. Here are a few pic's.

Although much more impressive close up, you can make out the skulls over the black section of the arch.

Yours truly at the arch

I still find it incredible that between all the modern facades and refurbished buildings still stand these grand old places that have been around for hundreds upon hundreds of years.

Until next time, raise your Heineken "H" gang sign to the air and drink one to absent friends,

Regards as always,

Jim and Ness

[With your left hand, point your second and middle fingers down so they 'walk' away and curl your thumb up to make the cross in the H - Careful not to accidentally flip someone the Grolsch "G" sign]

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