Going to try and keep this entry short, I've got a pile of surveys waiting in front of me that have to be done. Well, another much anticipated moment has come and gone - This Saturday we had the privilege of seeing the Stanley Kubrick Exhibition (Inside the Mind of a Visionary Filmmaker) which some of you may remember me mentioning before. The exhibition itself was so very comprehensive, beginning from his very early days of photography and photojournalism right through to the very last of his films (I refer to A.I. and not Eyes Wide Shut - a debate still had by fans of Kubrick). Every film had an entire section dedicated to it displaying pieces such as HAL's 'eye' from 2001, Jack's axe from The Shining and even the bomb from Dr. Strangelove. There were scripts with hand written corrections and notes, media installations with interviews from people whom Kubrick worked with, stills and story boards, original conceptual art, original costumes from A Clockwork Orange.............. An amazing collection and insight into Kubrick's incredible and ground breaking works. As part of the experience we were also able to see 2001: A Space Odyssey for the first time in a cinema on the big screen - the only way it should be seen. This is another one of those moments that my words can barely do justice to what I had the privilege to see - which is a perfect segway into the next part of this story.
On Sunday, which was coincidentally the World Inline Championship here in Zurich, Ness and I decided to attempt to make our way to the top of Uetliberg, the highest point in Zurich over 900 metres above sea level. After a misadventurous start, specifically going every which way but the right way and then choosing the hardest walking trail almost vertically up the side of the mountain, we made it on foot all the way to the summit. Always the hard way. From the top there is a clear 360 degree view right across Zurich, we were lucky to have a beautifully clear day and could even see the snow capped Alps way off in the distance. The view was simply breathtaking and worth every ounce of foot slogging, sweat dripping effort. We of course have photos to prove it.
A few views from Uetliberg, the top of Zurich

This Thursday we're off to Amsterdam for a couple of days and next weekend, if everything goes to plan, we're on our way to Avignon to see Ness's family. Despite Zurich seems a bit smaller and quieter then Amsterdam we're still managing to have some form of (mis)adventure every chance we get. But for now, I'd better be getting some work done, so until next time,
Tun Sie nicht nichts, das wir nicht tun würden,
Jimi and Ness
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