Hello again from Switzerland. Yet another interesting weekend has come and gone, this time we ventured out into the countryside to a small town called Kyburg. Well, maybe there was more than just one horse but with no more strasse than you count on both hands it was definitely sleepy (FYI: The hospitable and friendly locals are known as Kyburgers). The main reason we travelled out to Kyburg was to visit the small castle there. After a light lunch in one of the 2 local cafes, we headed up to the castle. A fair bit smaller than what we saw at Gruyeres but nonetheless impressive. Over 800 years old, there was plenty of the rich history and heritage on display including a comprehensive armoury exhibition. There was even pieces of medieval fire fighting equipment in the main courtyard. We wandered the cellar and attic prison, perused the torture chamber (featuring a genuine Iron Maiden) and strolled the ramparts. Such a fantastic insight into the society and social life of the 18th century.
We also managed to make our way out to the town of Winterhur, the best way to describe it is Winterhur to Zurich is kind of like Newcastle is to Sydney (not that Sydney is anything at all like Zurich). Again, it is a picturesque place with old buildings, churches and such but the most amazing thing is going from tiny countryside towns to suburban areas within less than half an hour. The contrast between the old and new, the divide between country and suburbia is so very clear.
You may remember an earlier post mentioning the Zurich Festival - we recently found out that only happens every 3 years, so we were rather lucky that we happened to be here this year to be part of the city coming to life. This Wednesday, tomorrow for us, is the Switzerland National Day - which we suppose to be the equivalent of Australia Day. The Scenic tours office will be closed and Ness will have the day off so we will be able to see what is happening in and around the city. One of the oddities we have come across is the sales of Fireworks by vendors on the strasse around the place, something we have never seen back home.
That's about it from us now and, as always, we hope everyone back in Aus. is doing well. I hope soon to give you all the details of the Eastern Europe tour we will be on (chances are we won't have a chance to blog whilst we're on the road) so you have some idea of where we will be gallivanting in Europe. As is usual we'll leave you with a few photos from our recent adventures....

Until next time, don't forget where you parked your tractor. Peace and regards as always,
Jim and Ness.
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