Tuesday, April 25, 2006

On the road again...

Hi all, Just a quick one - After a little over two months we have a car again. It's a '91 Nissan Pintara Executive (sounds fancy but means little more than being an auto).

It is great not to have to rely on public transport anymore.

Hope everyone is on the up and up,

Peace and regards,


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Little known fact...

The other day I got told an intersting story. I met a guy who's son was doing a roady gig for the Stones on their most recent Aus. tour. To cut a tall story short - Of course they travel with a mountain of gear, but this guy found it strange that there seemed to be a couple of extra speaker stacks to the left and right of the stage that weren't seemingly connected to anything. It turns out that the cabinets were hollow and contained 1st aid stations; CPR paddles, oxygen, wheelchairs etc etc. Imagine half way through a set Jagger goes down clutching at his chest, paramedics run out and give him a bit of juice and he bounds up and rips straight into Start Me Up. Now that's Rock and Roll.

Apparently this is from the original 'Stones Pinball Table, the likeness of Mick seems to be in terrible pain.

Roll with the punches...

I've always loved that phrase for no apparent reason...

Anyway, been really slack with posting of late so this is an attempt to bring you up to date on the Wide World of Jimi.

For those who don't know, Annie (Ness' Mum) is now in France and soon to go on her 'Trek for Lochlin' from France through to Spain - she too has a web log and I will put a link up to it if anyone is interested.

I have pulled out of the Dip. Ed. There are many reasons for this, and I don't want to bore anyone so I'm not going to go to far into it. But I will say this - the support networks for studying via correspondence are virtually non-existent and if you want to contact your lecturer directly you almost have no hope of getting any reply. Although I am a little disappointed with the outcome I take some solace in that maybe that just wasn't my path to follow - for the moment anyway.

Ness had her Birthday early this month, so a belated HAPPY BIRTHDAY to her. Well, I didn't miss it, the post is just a bit late.

All going well, we will be back on the road soon, after my dislike of public transport has been renewed once more. It will be a relief to get around on our own timetable rather than someone else's.

Finally, another massive shout out to everyone overseas. GOOD LUCK ANNIE, may the soles of your shoes be sturdy. T & A, enjoy the last of your time in the dong, we all look forward to having you back home. DARKO and JESS, best wishes and good tidings to you also. Last, but not least, SEDGE - luck to you in love and life man, nice to hear you've found someone who makes you feel a little more at home when you are far away from your real one.

Peace, love and respect to you all,
