To everyone who works in the hospitality industry I empathise with you, to those who don't - next time you go out and get blind drunk spare a thought for the bar staff.
After nearly 10 years in the industry I've made some observations I'd like to share:
Young people will drink anything if it is cheap.
Students will drink anything if it is free.
Pensioners will drink anything so long as it takes you over ten minutes to fill the order and bear a long-winded story that has no real point to it.
There are surprisingly many ways in which cask wine (goon, expensive metho, chateau d'cardboard etc) can be mixed and utilised; It can apparently be mixed, and drank, with anything from Coke to Old.
Pensioners are messier patrons than students, hard to believe but true.
Everyone thinks you're psychic, they all expect you to know exactly how their poison is prepared: Schooner, pint, 7, middy, old glass, new glass, cold glass, room temp. glass, 50/50, some head, no head....
Drinking light beer because you don't want to get pissed is fine, drinking two dozen schooners of light beer thinking your not going to get pissed is stupid.
You can't say 'Two Fat Ladies' (88) anymore whilst calling a bingo game, damn political correctness [you call a spade a spade, not a dirt lifting utensil].
....I could easily keep going. Maybe I'll add some more observations another day.
And thanks to those who sent me a little food for thought. I wouldn't say the grass is always greener - more like sometimes green, sometimes brown, sometimes damp... Having a good day or a bad day really does affect your perspective though.
Peace all